I've noticed for the most part, there seems to be a good chunk of the more well-known users that actually have something informative and helpful in their newsposts. From NEVR's *Backseat Modding" post, to the people who have something about walkthroughs for the medals, and let's not forget the users who have stories they wrote for their posts. I mean hell, that's some pretty nice, interesting, and informative shit right there.
And then there's me.
You see, I've never had anything like that before on my newsposts. I don't have the patience or the talent to write stories for the most part, and anything that might help out to Newgrounds in terms of helping out new users around the site or helping out users with the medal games has already been taken.
So what does that leave me? To be quite honest, not much. I guess I could whore out the Audio Portal tracks that don't seem to get enough notoriety that is well-deserved. That's about the only idea I have.
Anyone else care to chime in with an idea or two?
Comment art? best idea i got.
It wouldn't be a bad idea if I visited the Art Portal a little more. :S